Where We Play In Web3

Forest Node is committed to providing reliable and secure infrastructure for the Web3 ecosystem. It uses the latest technologies and best practices to ensure that its nodes are always up and running, and that its users' coins are safe and secure.

Staking Infrastructure

We run validators and collators for the best blockchains out there.

Validator monitoring infra

We have spent years creating a what we think is the perfect monitoring infrastructure.

Fully Responsive

We are available 24/7 to answer your staking questions

Database Backups

We provide database backups to blockchain communities.

Staking is one of the best ways to earn passive income from your crypto assets.
— Binance Academy


Forest Node is committed to decentralization.

Web3 should be owned and operated by its users, not by a handful of corporations. That's why it is building a decentralized infrastructure that gives everyone a voice and a stake in the future of the web.

Forest Node is also committed to sustainability. It is working to reduce its environmental impact by using renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies. For example, Forest Node uses solar power to power its data centers and partners with renewable energy providers.

Forest Node's commitment to sustainability is a green twist on its core value proposition. It is showing the world that it is possible to build a reliable, secure, and scalable Web3 infrastructure without harming the environment.
